There is no doubt in my mind that Simon Peter and his brother Andrew became the talk of all the fishermen around the lake of Galilee when they suddenly left their nets to respond to Jesus’ call: “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men” (Mark 1:17).
We are greatly challenged by the willingness of these men to forsake all at a moment’s notice to join a new teacher whose ministry and future were unknown.
But in one aspect, Peter and the other disciples were not so different from the rest of humanity. Later on, they inquired, “See, we have left all and followed You. Therefore what shall we have?” (Matthew 19:27).
No matter what we do in life, it’s second nature to ask the question: What do I get out of it?
When we apply for a job, we want to know the benefits. If we send our children to an expensive school, we expect a certain quality of education in return.
Even in spiritual things we often have this mindset. A large number of people come to Christ because they want to go to heaven instead of hell or because they want their messed-up lives restored. And God is more than gracious to save and help them when they call upon His name.
Many believers who invest their lives, time or resources for a godly cause want to make sure that what they give will bring them something in return—whether it’s joy, satisfaction, earthly blessings, recognition, honor from men, position or at least the guarantee of rewards in heaven.
If we are honest with ourselves, so often self-centeredness is at the bottom of what we do.